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It’s always good to put yourself in your clients’ position – particularly the position of someone who’s considering whether to green-light you for their next project. So, the question going through their mind might be, “Sure, you’ve got some good ideas – but how do I know that those ideas will work in my situation?”
LinkedIn has emerged as a great way for you to get your ideas in front of potential clients, to show your expertise. One of the best ways to do this is through the “Posts” function.
A lot of conventional ideas around content marketing are just plain wrong when it comes to selling high-level professional services.
That wisdom as promoted by content marketing luminaries such as Joe Pulizzi and Marcus Sheridan can be summarized as four steps:
That wisdom as promoted by content marketing luminaries such as Joe Pulizzi and Marcus Sheridan can be summarized as four steps:
Are you working in a job now, but you’re not sure how much longer? You know that the project pipeline is running dry, and you’re hearing rumors about a downsizing?
Are you looking for a way to get your message in front of potential clients? One of the best ways to do that is to get that message into places where those prospects are already looking. And one of the best places to do that is through their niche media.
“Sell the sizzle, not the steak” is a well-used principle in marketing. But in professional services, there’s not a whole lot of emotion involved. Or is there?